Mission Statement

What you get (and what you won't get)

  • Reliable, efficient and professional service for all types of event. (Not someone who's in for a fast buck who may not turn up anyway).

  •  Smart well dressed DJ with a professional attitude and over 20years experience. (Not someone in jeans and a T-shirt).

  • I use only Professional equipment designed for use in today's demanding  entertainment industry, guarantees quality of the performance and reliability to keep the show going.(Not old equipment from the 70's bought at a jumble sale).

  •  Powerful sound system that delivers a pleasing (not a painful) crystal clear sound at whatever volume you want. (Not a home stereo that distorts because it can't hack the pace).

  • Spectacular light show. (Not a few light bulbs stuffed into a wooden box).

  •  Music from the 1950's through to the new Millennium. Entire collection is catalogued on a database for easy access. No fixed playlist, requests are welcome so you'll hear the music you ask for, whether it's ABBA or Kurt Darren.

  •  Full support service at each event including; backup equipment.

  •  All equipment is regularly serviced to ensure reliability and electrical safety.

  •  Bookings are confirmed by email and payment of a 50% deposit.


Ek waarborg diens en kwaliteit en doen alle voorbereiding en opstel van klank toerusting persoonlik. Ek is 'n SAMRO lid.
I guarantee service and quality and do all setup and preparation personally to ensure every event is a success. I am  a SAMRO member.
Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas.
Sel. 076 855 9001
Email: info@musicthatmovesyou.co.za